We know how to adjust to requirements of different industries. Our products are present in cars, house-hold appliances, foor and beverages, heavy equipment and consumer products.

Automotive industry

Dependability and process control are crucial attributes in for succesful partnership in automotive industry. Having close relation to OEMs we are together with them constantly improving.

House-hold appliance industry

Functionality and aesthetic are key parameters in household appliance industry where our final customers are daily in touch with our articles.

Construction and engineering industry

• Parts for construction machine and electrical installations
• Thermoplastics and elastomer-thermoplastics combinations
• High demanding parts throughout their life cycle
• Diverse line-up of solutions using various material combinations

PENCA, orodjarstvo – plastika, d.o.o.
Tkalska ulica 16a
3000 Celje – Slovenija
+386 3 620 25 82 |